Data and Research Services

We start off by understanding where you partnerships strategy is today and what your gaps are in terms of resourcing.

Once we understand what your needs, our team will put together a preliminary proposal on how data and research can help you reach your partnerships goals and provide the hard skills needed to drive your overall vision.

Lead Generation

Need to get the contact information for partnerships folks you want to reach out and some preliminary lead qualifying and tagging. We set you up with highly skilled offshore resources to build a lead generation engine.

I.E.: “I want to get all of the emails and phone numbers for partnerships leads at companies X,Y,Z with a tag for seniority and vertical focus”

Market Analysis

We leverage industry reports, expert calls, partner documentation and blogs to conduct deep research into a new market that you are considering partnering with or help breakdown very large markets to given you a narrow action plan.

I.E.: “I want to best understand who are the top players in A2P Automated messaging. I’d like to know how these players monetize and who purchases their services.”

Competitor Analysis

We will review public filings, expert calls, company news feeds, and partner directory data scraping to understand how some of your competitors are approaching their partnerships strategy to better inform your own.

I.E.: “My two biggest competitors are companies X and Y. I’d like to better how they structure their partnerships programs and who their latest partners are.”

3rd Party Data Analysis

We can leverage third party datasets to help get scaled information and synthesize it. This helps you understand partner

I.E.: “I provide E-Commerce plugins for Shopify stores and want to create a bundled pricing. I’d like to know using source code analytics/Storeleads dataset what are the most commmon plugins used along with mine.

Financial Modeling

Coming soon

API Scoping

Coming soon.

Data Sharing & Partner Auditing

Coming soon.

Executive Presentations

Coming soon.

Long Term Strategy Planning

Coming soon.

Let’s chat!